Thursday, 14 February 2013

15 Years Off for Good Behaviour

What can I add to MM's diatribe? Not much really so here's some piccies with (possibly) humerous one liners?!?

Add least Gerald the V50 had been before, in 1990. You would have thought he would have learned?
 Please note the extension to MM's head!! Superimposed from a very dodgy character in the background.
 MM decided to wear his own Portaloo. The PR secretary gasps for air!
 Happy as a man on a commode in a field full of bikers.
 Ural-talk. The PR Secretary is bemused.

All in all not a bad Dragon. A bit wet but you would have got that in Summer. Four days on and I'm ready for another - that must be some kind of record.

Sad to here that Ken Chaplin passed away during the Saturday night, but what a way to go and no need to pack up a wet tent and ride home in the p*ssing rain. I bet he's laughing his c*ck off up there. RIP Ken.

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